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Engage, Build, Consolidate Videos

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Science of Learning: Mentoring Teachers Using Engage, Build & Consolidate

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Talking about
Learning during Mentoring

Talking about
Engagement for Learning

Talking about
Building Knowledge and Understanding

Talking about
Consolidation of Learning

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: Homeostasis
Year 10 Set 1

Learning Objectives
To compare the causes and treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
To understand why people develop diabetes and how different treatments are used to control levels

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Geography: Water Management
Year 9 mixed

Learning Objectives
To describe where there is water stress in the UK.

To explore the different approaches to the UK’s water resource management

To compare the different approaches to the UK and China’s water resource management


Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
History: The Great Depression
Year 9 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To understand the impact and significance of the Great Depression across America using historical evidence

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: The Skeleton
Year 7 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To identify different bones in the body
To understand the role of the skeletal system
To identify a variety of joints in the body and understanding how they differ.

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
History: The Great Depression
Year 9 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To understand the impact and significance of the Great Depression across America using historical evidence

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Maths: Area of a Parallelogram
Year 8 Set 2

Learning Objectives
To identify the  base and perpendicular height of a parallelogram
To calculate area of a parallelogram
To find unknown base or perpendicular height of a parallelogram, given the area.

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: Homeostasis
Year 10 Set 1

Learning Objectives
To compare the causes and treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
To understand why people develop diabetes and how different treatments are used to control levels

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
History: The Great Depression
Year 9 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To understand the impact and significance of the Great Depression across America using historical evidence

Seating plan in clip
Teacher Trainee + Mentor

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Music: The Treble Clef
Year 7 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To understand different rhythms using note durations
To build notation skills by notating 4 bars using different rhythms
To build composition skills by composing 4 bars of 4 beats using different rhythms

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: The Skeleton
Year 7 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To identify different bones in the body
To understand the role of the skeletal system
To identify a variety of joints in the body and understanding how they differ.

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: The Skeleton
Year 7 Mixed

Learning Objectives
To identify different bones in the body 
To understand the role of the skeletal system
To identify a variety of joints in the body and understanding how they differ.

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Maths: Area of a Parallelogram
Year 8 Set 2

Learning Objectives
To identify the  base and perpendicular height of a parallelogram
To calculate area of a parallelogram
To find unknown base or perpendicular height of a parallelogram, given the area.

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Biology: Homeostasis – lesson 6 of 14
Year 10 Set 1

Learning Objectives
To compare the causes and treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to describe why people develop diabetes as a result of blood sugars and how different treatments are used to control levels

Seating plan in clip
Mentor + Teacher Trainee

Subject, Topic and Year Group
Maths: Area of a Parallelogram
Year 8 Set 2

Learning Objectives
To identify the  base and perpendicular height of a parallelogram
To calculate area of a parallelogram
To find unknown base or perpendicular height of a parallelogram, given the area.

SoLfITE Research Reports